Alliance for Community Trees: Dallas Launches New Urban Forestry Division

Sustainable development includes preservation of mature trees. Picture by Alliance for Community Trees.
Treebune News
Published January 23, 2017 By CONNI KUNZLER
Source: Julie Ryan, “Dallas tree advocates say city’s new urban forestry unit is ‘big deal’,” Green Source DFW.
Dallas, TX (January 9, 2017) – Dallas launched its new Urban Forestry Division Jan. 1, joining Fort Worth, Austin, San Antonio and Houston, all cities with professionally staffed forestry programs or departments.
Until now, Dallas had one urban forester for the entire city, and a few arborists who work solely to ensure developers comply with the city’s tree ordinance. The new forestry division starts with a half million dollar budget and a staff of three to five people, says Larry Hochberg, chairman of the city’s Urban Forestry Advisory Committee. UFAC developed the original proposal and advocated for it at City Hall.
“It’s pretty phenomenal, given the city’s budget constraints,” says Hochberg. “Over five years we’ll scale up to comparable size with other cities.”
Last May, the Committee proposed a 20-person, $2.1 million department within the Park and Recreation Department. By the deciding November City Council budget hearing, the plan was revised to a phaseable start-up, in view of the city’s funding shortfall. Houston, Fort Worth and Austin spend from $1.4 to $12.5 million annually to care for city trees, with staffs of up to 30. All but Houston’s are part of their Park and Recreation departments.
The Urban Forestry Division is responsible for overseeing and maintaining all city trees on public rights-of-way. This includes identifying planting sites, assessing tree health and teaching citizens and staff about tree maintenance and best planting and care methods.
“It’s a big deal to us,” says Steve Houser, a certified arborist and past chairman of UFAC who has advocated for forestry staff and tree protection by the city for some 20 years. “The measure passed a budget meeting of the full City Council. They all spoke, with no opposition.”