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Champion Bois d'Arc: Bois d'Arc Anthem

This Bois d'Arc tree, located in the yard of a Commerce residence, may be the largest Bois d'Arc in the state of Texas. The tree measures 18 feet, three inches in girth, stands 44 feet tall, with a 77 foot crown spread, and may be 300 years old. Photo by Rick Vanderpool/Journal photo.

Published September 21, 1994 By THE COMMERCE JOURNAL

The Bois d'Arc Anthem

Osage Orange tree,
you're a Bois d'Arc to me;
Yellow Wood, People prized
for the best long bow ever.

By whose hardness we're awed,
(you're a treasure when sawed)
ageless cornerstones and posts,
chairs and so-forth so clever.

Up in Kansas you're Hedge,
miles of grain fields you edge;
"living fence" to this day,
lest the plains blow away...

Osage Orange, you're not gorgeous,
'tho' barb-wire prototype and trash you're called,
you are our and we love you -
thorns, horse apples and all!

          Virgil Rage, May 27, 1994


The Commerce Champion Bois d'Arc tree has been trimmed up by Steve Houser, an ISA Certified Arborist, and will be ready for viewing during the Ninth Annual Bois d'Arc Bash. Look inside today's Journal for a special section on what is shaping up the be the biggest Bash ever.