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Results Won't Please Anyone

Published June 1, 1995 By STEVE HOUSER



As an area Certified Arborist for 17 years, I have witnessed the removal and desecration of many old trees. In this case, the builder, Rick Moore, claims he "loves to save trees" and designed the house around the tree. The tree is a Post Oak that most likely will not survive any construction near it. Especially with the improperly angled cuts recently made on it and loss of vital food-making foliage recently removed. The tree may still contain enough reserve energy to keep it alive long enough for the builder to be paid and gone.

He will NOT "save the tree' and claims "you can't please everybody." I don't think he will please the buyer of the house, the neighborhood, or himself if he honestly wants to "save trees." I find the Denton tree ordinance to be ineffective in many areas and feel the public should be outraged.

Does anyone care enough to support your local heroes with the fortitude to stand up, be counted and make a difference?

About the author

Arborilogical Services, Inc.

Arborilogical Services, Inc. shares information and news about trees, tree maintenance and the tree industry. Arborilogical is the expert tree care company your trees deserve.