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Should You Use 'Pruning Paint' On Your Trees?

Published October 23, 2019, By HOWARD GARRETT, 'The Dirt Doctor'

Should You Use ‘Pruning Paint’ On Your Trees?

It can actually be harmful to pruning cuts by slowing the healing process.

This tree's pruning cut is healing well. The dark color is natural. Photo by Howard Garrett.

I usually do not use pruning paint of any kind on my trees. Research by arborists has shown that pruning paint and wound dressings give little help and can be actually be harmful to the pruning cuts by slowing the healing process. Healthy tissue needed for the callus formation around the cuts can be damaged or killed by being covered up with stuff that homeowners might think helps.

Air is important to the wounds. Trees have defense cells, much like white blood cells in animals. Lignin cells are produced on the backside of wounds to naturally prevent diseases from entering fresh cuts. Just as a cut finger heals faster when exposed to the air, so do tree wounds.

This tree has been pruned well and is healing well without any paint. Photo by Howard Garrett.

Some of my friends in the business think that wound dressing can help with disease prevention, so if you decide to treat, I have two suggestions. The best commercial product is Lac Balsam, also known as artificial bark. It was developed by horticulturists in Europe for use in grafting and wound sealing. It’s the best in its category because it provides protection against insect and disease organisms, and it breathes better than paints and tars and other wound dressings.

Here’s a mail order company that sells it:

The second option is Tree Trunk Goop. It’s a homemade formula I invented to treat any damage to woody trunks and limbs. It’s not available commercially, unfortunately, but here’s the formula: Mix together equal amounts of natural untreated diatomaceous earth, soft rock phosphate and compost. Add enough water to make a thick slurry. Slather this wet mix onto scrapes, cuts, borer holes, ripped places or other injuries on trunks or limbs. Reapply if washed off by rain or irrigation. In the soil, the mix makes good organic fertilizer. Fireplace ashes can be used if soft rock phosphate isn’t available. An easier formula that might be even better is to mix earthworm castings and Azomite together 50/50.

Minor wounds going only partially around the trunk heal easily with these procedures. Trees totally girdled are much more difficult to save. Listeners and readers have reported being successful, however, and have sent photos proving it. I didn’t think it was possible before, but now I do.

For total girdling, burlap needs to be soaked in the Tree Trunk Goop and then wrapped all the way around the damaged trunk. Tin foil and/or plastic can be wrapped around the burlap to help hold the moisture in the mixture. An arborist friend of mine in San Antonio uses roofing felt instead of burlap and reports impressive success.


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