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In the Shade 'Member Spotlight: Sarah Sours'

Sarah Sours presenting on the proper way to plant a tree. 

Published August 2020, By MISTI PEREZ

Misti Perez is the Member Services Specialist with Texas Chapter International Society of Arboriculture. She recently interviewed our very own Sarah Sours for the August 2020 Member Spotlight article.

Why did you decide to join the Texas Chapter ISA?

I moved to Texas from Mississippi in 1999 as a newly graduated Forestry major from Mississippi State University. I was eager to find a job in my field, and I was lucky enough to be taken under the wings of Mike Bradshaw and Courtney Blevins. They introduced me to ISA Texas and said it would be a great resource for me. So, I joined in 1999/2000. It was one of the best things I did for my career, friendships, and introduction to Texas. Because of ISA Texas, I became a Certified Arborist in 2001, and was introduced to Kevin Bassett, Steve Barrett, and Steve Houser of Arborilogical Services, my then soon to be work family. I have been blessed to be a Certified Arborist for them for the past 18 years. Through ISA Texas, ISA, and my fellow ISA Texas members I continue to learn and care for trees daily. 

What is something you love most about our industry and/or feel is very valuable?

There are two traits of the industry that come to mind. First, I am always amazed at how much there is to learn about trees, and how many people are fascinated with them. No matter where I go, once people know I am an arborist, the questions and stories about the trees in their lives flood the conversations. Secondly, I am also amazed at how supportive and nurturing our industry is. No matter if you are a climber, arborist, professor, technician, municipal worker, or volunteer we help each other along and do not let competition get in the way. We all want to see the industry improve, and we carry each other forward with the knowledge we have gained along the way. Properly caring for people and their trees is our ultimate goal.

Share a favorite hobby or a fun fact many people may not know about you. 

I love home improvement projects! There is something special about the gratification of improving your surroundings and being able to see and use your handiwork. Throughout my life my parents have always included me in their projects. It gave me some basic skills and confidence but thank goodness they are only a phone call away. The only other thing that comes to mind are my research skills. My friends jokingly make fun of my ability to find information, and my husband Rob refers to my tunnel vision until I find the answer as my "deep dive". But, they all appreciate the skill.