Arborilogical Services, Inc.® provides many services to the community, above and beyond the commercial services for which we are renowned. In our owner, Steve Houser's words, "To leave cooler and greener communities for the future is indeed a gift worthy of our time, effort, and financial contributions."
Since our inception, our staff have served as volunteer support for a multitude of different groups and worthwhile efforts. We often assume various roles with industry and nonprofit groups to provide education, leadership, advice, or strong support. We believe that volunteering our personal time to help others is one of the greatest gifts that we can provide to others.
We feel we have an obligation to leave the world a little better place than we found it and we have a long history of community involvement which highlights our commitment to this goal. As an example, our company owner received the President's Volunteer Service Award for volunteer service from two different Presidents, for over 9,000 hours contributed. He currently has over 20,000 volunteer hours recorded or almost ten years of community service. His longtime executive assistant, Sara Beckelman (now retired) also received the President's Volunteer Service Award for volunteer service. Our commitment runs deep and starts at the top.
Caring for Our Historic Texas Trees
Historic trees are 60+ years old and share a significant event within a particular place in time. They are witnesses to events of many types. Consider the trees in downtown Dallas' Dealy Plaza, which had the misfortune of witnessing the assassination of President Kennedy. Trees are often associated with history such as the Treaty Oak in Austin where a significant treaty was signed or Comanche Marker Trees, which were sometimes bent for a specific purpose. Historic trees are a direct link to our past and we cannot preserve or celebrate trees that we fail to recognize are important.
Texas Historic Tree Coalition
In 1994, there was a disagreement over the removal of 70 large mature trees at a Dallas hospital. The site was previously a home for orphans and the trees were considered historic. It was the first major public disagreement over trees in the region and our owner as well as company consulting arborist, Bill Seaman, lobbied for the formation of the Dallas Historic Tree Coalition. The nonprofit was established in 1995 and it is still an all volunteer group to this day.
"A healthy and thriving urban forest creates a healthier and stronger community in many different ways. Healthy urban forests are critical in attaining a stable ecological balance, improving the quality of our lives and enhancing the environmental processes of air purification, oxygen regeneration, and ground water recharge."
- Steve Houser, Arborilogical Services, Inc.
Community Voice for Trees and Forests
Arborilogical Services® and its employees have a strong commitment to the communities in which we work, live and enjoy life. This commitment is evident in the impact that we have made in Dallas and the surrounding areas. This impact and the environmental, social, and political issues we promote could have no better mouthpiece than the local print, radio and television media.
Steve Houser, always the educator and voice for trees, has wafted through the air waves on local television quite often teaching the local citizenry the wisdom of looking after their trees and the “how to” of doing it. He is a Lorax and philanthropist at heart.
Trees are the Answer
Benefits of Trees
Trees provide a multitude of benefits that have a direct and profound effect on everything in our natural world, including humans. Trees clean our air, water, and soil, they add greatly to our health, our sense of well being, the quality of our lives, and our economic future in many different ways. A healthy urban forest equals a healthy community and ecology.
The presence of trees and healthy ecosystems provides a strong foundation for a sustainable urban infrastructure in the future. The very essence of nature provides sound guidance for reaching urban sustainability. We all breathe the same air plus use the same water and soil to survive, therefore, it is important to understand the interconnectedness of all things as well as the important role that trees and healthy urban ecosystems play in planning for our future.
Do your trees need help?
We're ready to grow a relationship.