Community Service
Since our inception, our company staff has offered significant volunteer support for many worthy causes and nonprofit groups. We have highlighted the groups we work more closely with below. We provide many resources for these community groups and often speak to the public or news organizations on their behalf.
Texas Tree Trails
Over the years of working with significant trees, it became clear there was a need to showcase all the historic, significant and champion trees which were previously recognized to allow the public to enjoy them. In 2001, the Texas Historic Tree Coalition urged the formation of a partnership with the Texas Forest Service, the Trinity Blacklands Urban Forestry Council (in Dallas) and the Cross Timbers Urban Forestry Council (in Fort Worth) known as the Texas Tree Trails,
At the time, websites were a new concept and the vision was to take the public on a virtual tour of our most significant trees. The effort helps to preserve the rich history of significant trees for future generations to enjoy. It is also an organization that our company continues to provide volunteer and financial support.
Texas Historic Tree Coalition
The mission of TXHTC is to find, research, recognize, and celebrate historic and Indian marker trees around the state, We cannot preserve significant trees that we fail to recognize as significant. Arborilogical Services staff encouraged and lobbied for the formation of the group in 1995 and a page on our website is dedicated to support their efforts.

City of Dallas Urban Forest Advisory Committee
The mission of the Dallas Urban Forest Advisory Committee (UFAC) as an all volunteer group is to provide sound advice to city officials and the public regarding our environment, trees and urban forest ecology, More specifically, the group serves in an advisory capacity on matters of environmental stewardship, specifically concerning the care and planting of trees and the urban forest by advocating sound arboricultural and urban forest management practices. The Committee provides proactive leadership for development of public policy and serves to educate citizens of Dallas regarding the numerous environmental, recreational, social and aesthetic benefits of a thriving urban forest. The committee is authorized to study, plan, advise, report and make recommendations on plans, programs or city codes which the Council or Park and Recreation Board determines necessary or advisable for the care, conservation, planting, pruning, removal or disposition of trees citywide.
Our company staff encouraged and lobbied for the establishment of UFAC as a permanent part of city government. Our company owner served as the first chairperson for the group and served two terms to help get the group on track. The group worked diligently with builders, city officials, and developers to update the Dallas tree and landscape ordinance, lobbied for a new division of urban forestry, started a volunteer citizen forester program, and lobbied for more arborists and foresters to be hired, among many other significant accomplishments.
2009 Annual Report Dallas Urban Forest Advisory Committee 2008 Annual Report Dallas Urban Forest Advisory Committee
Texas Gardener Groups
Our company supports gardeners and gardener groups in Texas including the Garden Club of Dallas, Texas Nursery and Landscape Association (TNLA), the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, Texas Master Gardener Program, the Rainbow Garden Club of North Texas, the Botanical Research Institute of Texas, the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, as well as many other local, regional and statewide gardener groups.
Gardener groups are often called upon by the general public to answer questions. Arborilogical Services works with various gardener groups such as Texas A&M AgriLife Extension to provide information and answer tree-related questions.
Trinity Coalition
The Great Trinity Forest is over 8,000 acres in size and it is the largest urban bottomland hardwood forest in America. Mr. Steve Smith serves on the Friends of Reverchon Park board with our company owner and he started the Trinity Coalition with a mission to be good volunteer stewards of the forest and to encourage the public to enjoy the many natural assets found in the forest,
Our company owner is a founding member and serves on the board of directors as the "Tree Steve" and Mr. Steve Smith is the "Trail Steve" (as a way to tell one Steve from the other!) In working with the Dallas Urban Forest Advisory Committee, our owner helped to develop a comprehensive forest and wildlife management plan for the Great Trinity Forest and the Trinity Coalition is working diligently to get the city to act on the plan, among many other important goals.
Texas Urban Forestry Council
Trinity Blacklands Urban Forestry Council
The mission of the Trinity Blacklands Urban Forestry Council (TBUFC) is to promote sustainable urban forestry in our region through the protection and development of community forest resources, and the dissemination of pertinent information to local officials, civic leaders, citizens, and the media. Also, working toward the recognition of urban forestry initiatives and facilitating community participation.
The Trinity Blacklands Urban Forestry Council is passionate about the urban forest through outreach, education, restoration, scholarships, and research. They are an integral part of the Texas Tree Trails organization as a member of the cooperative effort of the Texas A&M Forest Service, the Texas Historic Tree Coalition, and the Cross Timbers Urban Forestry Council, among others.
Friends of Reverchon Park
Reverchon Park was named after the first botanist to our area, Julian Reverchon, The park is historic and often considered to be the crown jewel of area parks but fell into disrepair and illicit activities took over the park in the 1990's. The Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children property adjoins the park and the President, JC Montgomery, took a leadership role in the problem and requested help from Arborilogical Services® to clean up the park, in 1999.
We helped to organize and manage the first clean up effort which attracted over 500 people. Annual clean up efforts continue to this day attracting hundreds of volunteers and we always assist with the events management. Our owner managed the volunteer teams for 17 years. After three years of clean up efforts, the Friends of Reverchon Park was established as a volunteer group to help with park management. Our owner has served on the board of directors since its inception and encouraged the renovation of the historic Iris Bowl, which was completed in 2012.
EarthX (previously known as Earth Day Texas)
The first Earth Day celebrations were held over 20 years ago on Flagpole Hill at White Rock Lake in Dallas. The event was organized by local environmental-minded individuals, but the general public had little interest.
The City of Dallas held the first couple of Earth Day celebrations in downtown, but again interest was limited. Mr. Trammell S. Crow decided to create Earth Day Dallas, which became Earth Day Texas, now EarthX, For the second Earth Day Dallas, our owner convinced officials to create a "Fun Climb" event for the public. This tree climbing event shows children and adults alike they can overcome anything when they think positive and stay determined to succeed. They are able to connect with nature as well as successfully face the physical and mental challenge that comes with tree climbing.
Our company proudly sponsors EarthX every year including the "Fun Climb" through 2018. In 2019, Arborilogical Services invited EarthX attendees into "Tree World". Children of all ages enjoyed learning about the benefits of trees playing interactive games. A particular crowd pleaser this year was Mr. Houser's tree climbing demonstration that ended with him safely repelling back down to the ground.
Vision North Texas
Vision North Texas is a public/private partnership between the North Texas Council of Governments, the Urban Land Institute (builders, developers and architects), and University of Texas Arlington.
The mission is to plan for future regional growth and the huge increase in population that is expected in the future. Our company owner was appointed to the board of advisers when the group was established and served throughout the life of the project as an advocate for sustainable, reasonable, and responsible future growth in our 16 county region. When the group was established, very few understood the meaning of the term sustainability nor how to build a community in a sustainable manor. A sustainable development is one that is built to suit the natural features of a site and improves the natural ecology rather than making the site fit the development, which is often "business as usual" in our region. Building sustainably greatly benefits future generations in many ways and makes our communities more livable. A healthy urban forest equals a healthy community.
Dallas Mavericks, Dallas Parks/Schools
The Dallas Mavericks basketball team (or Mavs) approached our owner in 2011 requesting help with the newly established NBA "Green Week". As a result, we developed a tree planting program called "Trees for Wins" and we planted 62 trees in Reverchon Park, one for each Mavs home game that they won.
By the second year, we included another partner, Pricewaterhouse Coopers who graciously provides a large number of volunteers each year. Our owner provided a new name for the program of "Trees for Threes", and a tree is planted for each three-pointer scored at home. Each year we plant over 300 larger trees in Dallas schools and parks and our company provides pro-bono maintenance for three years. The Trees for Threes program has now spread to seven other NBA teams around the nation. It is a sustainable tree planting program as we replace any tree that is lost.
Texas Nature Related Groups
Maintaining a balance in any ecological system is not an easy task in today's world. We support many groups that work towards positive changes in our natural world including the Native Plant Society of Texas, Texas Parks and Wildlife, the Audobon, Sierra Club, Texas Master Naturalists, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, GreenSource DFW, and many others.
Our support of maintaining native plants and wildlife in Texas helps ensure not only sound urban forest management practices are followed but also sound arboricultural practices. We also provide science based research and educational materials to these groups as well as the public to help ensure factual information is provided.
Do your trees need help?
We're ready to grow a relationship.