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Tree Pruning

Pruning Trees for a Longer and Healthier Life

Regardless of a trees size or age, our degreed and certified arborists can determine the right technique to prune each tree to help it live a longer healthier life.


A Work of Art

A well-pruned tree is a work of art that looks natural and attractive.

Proper pruning maintains each tree’s unique aesthetic character and natural growth form. Poorly pruned trees do not look natural and are not as healthy, nor as structurally sound.  

Each cut is important as it has the potential of changing the growth habit, character, and health of a tree. It takes more time to carefully select and cut each limb at the proper angle versus just whacking off a limb and leaving a stump or tear at the bottom of the cut. Our tree climbers are well trained in the art of proper pruning and how to do it safely.

Your trees deserve proper care from tree care experts that know how to do it right!

Start When Trees are Young

Proper cuts when pruning young trees are made with an eye to the future. 

Young trees are pruned to develop a strong physical structure which helps to reduce the loss of limbs or the entire tree, later in its life. Poor branching habit should be corrected when trees are young to reduce or prevent limb breakage. 

The pruning of a mature tree is driven by standard practices that are proven to maintain health and improve structural integrity.

Most Recognized Tree Climbers

Our tree climbers provide pruning services and they are among the most knowledgeable and experienced in the nation. Our tree climbers have won the annual Texas Tree Climbing Competition an unprecedented twenty-five different years with eight different tree climbers being past state champions.

We have continuously represented the State of Texas in the North American and International competitions all around the world. One of our top Crew Foremen, Miguel Pastenes, won the North American tree climbing competition in 2015 making him the best climber on the continent for the year. He is currently a thirteen-time state champion. The International competition is akin to the Olympics for tree climbers and our climbers often place in the top ten rankings. Miguel has also been a past International champion in the speed climb events.

Hire a Reputable Company

If you want healthy, happy and long-lived trees, hire a company with the education, experience, and training to do the job right. 

If you also want quality service from a company, look for experienced managers that have a long standing history of providing outstanding service over the years as well.  

Comparing costs for a product is not the same as comparing costs for a service. The tree service industry varies greatly from the small start up company's to the larger, more well established companies. A true "apples to apples" comparison of service companies may not always be possible and it requires some research. In general, the larger companies are more likely to have talented people that stand behind their work and take good care of clients, especially during a tree emergency (wind storms, ice storms, or anytime a tree falls).  Smaller tree companies often fail within the first 5-15 years, leaving clients to search for another reputable and more stable company. Developing a long term relationship with an established company provides a comfort level that you and your trees will be well care for in the long-term with a minimal amount of your time and effort.    

When to Prune

Pruning can be done any time of the year; however, depending on the tree species and the goals of pruning, your arborist may recommend a particular season. There are many reasons a tree may need to be pruned sooner rather than later. Your consulting arborist will confirm what is best for your trees.

Removal of dead, broken, or damaged limbs can be done anytime.

Contrary to popular belief, a skilled arborist and tree climber can easily identify between deadwood and dormant branches. Surprisingly, the best time to locate deadwood is when the leaves are off and there is a clear view of the limbs and the tree structure.

"Your crew did an excellent job on both of our beloved trees. My husband and I were very concerned about the large cut to be made on the Live Oak, but were very pleased with the results. Bryan White is very knowledgeable and professional and I will be glad to trust him with any of our trees in the future."


"Your crew was very professional and completed the work in when and the manner as promised."


"Thank you for the great job on cutting our tree. The crew was very polite and cleaned everything spic and span. Please and thank you from us."


Do your trees need help?

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